
Shopping For A New Car

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Shopping For A New Car

When my boss told me that he needed me to shop for some fleet vehicles for our business, I thought I would be getting a well-deserved break from work. Unfortunately, the task quickly snowballed into a giant ordeal. In addition to finding a dealer that we could trust, I also didn't really know how to decide between makes and models. However, after a lot of research, I was able to narrow down my choices. I was able to find a group of cars that our salespeople could drive comfortably, and it really helped our business to branch out. This blog is all about shopping for new cars, and how to avoid some of the more common pitfalls.


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No Heated Exterior Mirrors

Heated mirrors are a luxury that you really can live without. Instead of potentially damaging the mirrors, simply squeeze a little hand sanitizer on them. The alcohol in the sanitizer will quickly melt away the snow and ice that is preventing you from seeing what's behind you clearly.

Not Enough Storage Compartments

Storage compartments area lacking no matter what type of vehicle you decide to buy. Instead of putting off the purchase for a different vehicle, you can use shoe organizers that hang in closets to store things like, lotion, paper towels, CDs, charging cables, toys and anything else that will fit. Just hang them on the back of each seat and you will have a lot of storage in your new used car.

Scuff Marks on the Paint

Of course you want your new used car to look perfect, but sometimes, those little scuff marks can give you some room to negotiate a better price. Instead of living with those marks forever try a little toothpaste. Apply the toothpaste to a microfiber cloth and buff the scuff away. In just minutes, that scuff mark can be removed and you saved yourself a little cash on the purchase.

No Change Holder

Having somewhere to toss your change makes finding what you need at toll booths easier and can help you avoid losing the money down in the cracks of the seats. One quick and easy fix for this is to purchase a can of gum. These little plastic cans have easy to open and close lids. Put it in a cup holder and you have quick and easy access to the change that would otherwise be rolling around in your car.

These few tips can help you improve the usability of your car and give you a little wiggle room in what you choose. Take them into consideration before you pass up a vehicle that is otherwise perfect for what you need in your vehicle. For more information, talk to a professional like 1 Touchdown City Pre Owned.